The lady doth protest too much, methinks; for common is as
common does. Yet what gentleman can listen to Miss Brahms without
wanting to be her Professor Higgins?
"You've been astride your mount again, have you?"
"I can talk posh if I want to!"
"'Ere, are you suggesting I'm common?"
"One law for the rich, another for the poor."
"Now, look, I'm not working class; I live in a detached house."
"'Ere, she said I was dead common."
speaking posh: "I heard my voice on one of those
tapes, and I must say it didn't half sound dead common."
"I always say 'if you dress nice, you can 'ob-nob with anybody'."

"Oh look, he lives in a detached castle!"
"speaking posh: "Oh yes, yes,
that will definitely take his mind off the polo. . ."